Author Archives: Viviana

8 Ways to Love Yourself and Build Resilience for Your Life and Business

I choose the path of solopreneurs because I love freedom and flexibility to work at my own pace. I can assign my own role or title and create services based on my ideas. As I am working solo, I often face challenges, setbacks and I don’t give up yet because solopreneurship is part of developing myself, to unlock my gifts and talents.

What is the motivation to keep going, to keep moving forward, to build a sustainable business, and to love the business even more?
I would say, why not use the positive energy of love to empower yourself and your solopreneurship journey so you build resilience.
Let’s take a look at how to love yourself more and understand your inner world, to create a more positive outlook for your business. Here are the 8 ways to love yourself:

Business Wisdom to Navigate Year 2022

Are you still searching for the next best strategies for your business development and growth in 2022?
What if you need is wisdom, to make a connection with a deeper meaning and to give you a direction and purpose for your business in 2022. Then, turn the wisdom into your value and strategies.

I recently found a Chinese proverb that has profound wisdom. I quite like the three greatest treasures, the teaching from Lao Tzu: Simplicity, Patience, and Compassion and they are relevant in dealing with chaos and complexity today.

Positivity, Happiness and Solo Entrepreneurship

We have heard a lot about happiness at the workplace, and I seldom know about happiness and solo entrepreneurship. I’m working independently as a coach and I’m serving solopreneurs as my clients. I’m now reflecting on my journey with happiness and solo entrepreneurship. I see my solo entrepreneur journey as personal development, though Yes, I develop my coaching and consulting as a business. Yes, it’s tough to build the business, and having positivity, it helps. 

When Your Solo Entrepreneur Journey is a Hero Journey

When you made a decision to embark on the solo entrepreneur’s path, you embark on your own hero’s journey.

What counts on the hero’s journey is not only the performances and achievements we made but how the journey of becoming whom we want to be, finding our gift and sharing it with the world, and healing our wound. In living our hero’s journey, we are living our purpose, with meanings and being alive in the world. With the benefits of walking your hero’s journey, there will be light and darkness.

As I’m redefining my niche to embark on holistic business coaching because I want to stress the importance of work-life balance, envisioning, and personal development to business development, I’m reflecting on my hero’s journey.

What is Holistic Business Coaching?

What is Holistic Business Coaching?

Holistic business coaching is not only for business owners in the wellness industry, it is meant for solopreneurs and business owners who want to build a business with a holistic approach, to create harmony and balance between your life and your business. Let’s create both possibilities for life and business that you truly desire. 
